Tag Archives: Banana Muffins

Fresh Pineapple and Banana Muffins (With Added Healthy Bits)

It’s Tasty Tuesday and time to share our best weekly recipes…

I love fresh pineapple and we ended up with a large amount of it this week after a two for the price of one deal at the local markets. After devouring a significant amount of it with the children there was nothing left to do but to use it in my weekly baking spree and make these delicious Pineapple and Banana Muffins.

Fresh Pineapple and Banana Muffins ~ Peaceful Parents, Confident Kids

We are in the process of reducing the refined sugar we consume in our house. We have recognised the ill-effects of consuming too much of this sweet substance, both in the behaviours of our children and in our own feelings of well-being.

Having said this, we are not going cold turkey and I am happy to include a little bit of white goodness in my baking so as not to compromise on taste. I found that if I cut it out completely, the children would be happy to eat the first helping I offered them but would less than politely decline when offered again in another sitting. I would rather my children ate the food I made for them from scratch (with a little sugar), than consume too many highly processed, packaged products.

So these muffins were an experiment to see whether I could get the balance right between tasty, healthy and palatable (texture) and am pleased to say they have been a huge hit. The children love them and I am happy that they have a good dose of healthiness in each one.

Fresh Pineapple and Banana Muffins

1 1/2 cups plain flour

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon bicarb soda

Just over 1/2 cup castor sugar

1/2 cup pepitas

1/2 cup sultanas

2 teaspoons rice malt syrup

1 cup mashed banana

450g fresh pineapple (whizzed in the processor until finely chopped)

1/2 cup healthy oil (I used rice bran oil)

2 eggs

Preheat oven to 180 degrees and line muffin tins with patty papers (I used baking paper cut into squares as we were out of proper liners). Combine sifted dry ingredients, sugar, pepitas and sultanas in a large bowl. Stir in wet ingredients until just combined. Spoon mixture into prepared cases (about 3/4 full). Bake for about 35 – 40 minutes, checking after 30 minutes with a skewer.

Please share a snap of something you have baked or a meal you have cooked on instagram and be sure to use the hashtag #ppcktastytuesday