Tag Archives: Gluten Free

Healthy Apricot Log Rolls

I loved apricot log rolls when I was little. Being raised by a fairly health-conscious mother we rarely had sweets or chocolate so these little delights were a big treat for us.

Apricot Log Rolls ~ Peaceful Parents, Confident Kids

After making these for my family this week, I can’t believe how similar they are in taste to my childhood ones nor how easy they were to make. With not a scrap of added sugar and plenty of added healthy bits I love that my children are devouring them and my husband is enjoying snacking on them for a quick energy boost.

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Healthy Date and Pecan Cookies

These Healthy Date and Pecan Cookies are so easy to make that even my two and a half year old could do it! They were a perfect choice for my Tasty Tuesday recipe of the week.

Healthy Date and Pecan Cookies ~ Peaceful Parents, Confident Kids

Date and Pecan Cookies

I have two very active toddlers who both seem to have boundless energy stores keeping them going all day long. Neither of them stop for sleeps during the day to recharge so I have found that it is important that they have a balanced diet that consists of foods which have a low GI (slow release, long lasting energy).

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